

Gourmet 长鳍金枪鱼 Lightly Salted 6 oz.

(15 顾客评论)



A 好 Food Awards Winner!

享受卓越的品质和风味,我们的美食长鳍金枪鱼, wild caught off the Oregon coast. 我们的可持续的钩和线捕鱼方法确保新鲜和质量,同时保护海洋生态系统. 我们的俄勒冈长鳍金枪鱼渔业是世界上最可持续的渔业之一!

我们的长鳍金枪鱼在其天然汁液中烹饪一次,保留其Omega-3含量. 来自俄勒冈水域的年轻金枪鱼(2-5岁)的汞含量比海外捕获的鱼低100倍, offering a healthier choice for you and your family. You don’t need to worry about mercury when you buy Oregon Albacore.

经海洋管理委员会认证,用不含双酚a的易拉罐包装, our 金枪鱼 supports sustainable practices. 与3,050 mg of Omega-3 per 100 grams, our lightly salted 长鳍金枪鱼 is a nutritional powerhouse, 太.

Our Albacore 金枪鱼 is caught, processed and canned in Oregon!

只煮一次在自己的天然果汁,以保存重要的欧米茄3和营养. The liquid in the can is the pure fish 石油.


长鳍金枪鱼 Nutrition Facts

No water, 石油 或防腐剂 are added.

MSC认证. Packed in non-BPA cans.

一箱是24罐. Half cases are 12 cans.


Save $6 when you buy a case (24 cans)

SKU: 2038 类别: , 标签:


15条评论 Gourmet 长鳍金枪鱼 Lightly Salted 6 oz.

  1. 吉恩·伯吉斯

    I loved 金枪鱼 as a child. 我和哥哥会偷偷地从橱柜里拿出一罐金枪鱼,拿上叉子,在后院一起吃完一整罐.
    I haven’ 味道d any 金枪鱼 that I loved for about 50 years. I tried yours and it 味道s as I remember. I can even eat it out of the can.

  2. 玛丽安

    a lady was selling 金枪鱼 三明治es out of a little snack shop. 她告诉我们她是在纽波特的一艘船上钓到金枪鱼的她告诉了我们你的名字. You are now my number one go to for a unique gift.

  3. 朱迪

    The 金枪鱼 is the best I have ever 味道d. I feel better eating it because of your business practices. So glad you ship to the east coast!


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